Coordinates | T/Th, 10-11:20am, LINC 210 [Registrar] [Canvas] [Slack] |
Instructor |
Liang Huang (huanlian@)
TAs | Sizhen Li (lisiz@), Liang Zhang (zhanglia@), and Renjie Zheng (zhengr@) |
Office Hours | Instructor: T/Th, 11:30am-12pm (KEC 2069) TAs: M: 3-4pm and 5-6pm; W: 4-6pm; F: 4-6pm (KEC Atrium). Extra office hours available before exams. |
Textbooks | [CLRS] Introduction to Algorithms, 3rd or 2nd edi. (default reference).
[KT] Kleinberg and Tardos, Algorithm Design (DP chapter online, all slides online) [DPV] Dasgupta, Papadimitriou, and Vazirani (DPV). Algorithms (full text online via berkeley) [E] Jeff Erickson. Algorithms, Etc. (full text online) How to Think Like a Computer Scientist: Learning Python (full text online) |
Grading (tentative) | Midterm: 20%, Final: 25%, Quizzes: 8+8=16%; Weekly homework: 3x8%+6%=30%, Class Participation: 2%. For each HW, any complete submission automatically gets 2%. The other 1% is based on blackbox testing of the specified coding problem. Remaining 7%: everybody gets full marks. Coding must be done in Python 3. no late submission is accepted.
Class participation: we reward the following: Grading Curve: A/A-: [90,100]; B+/B/B-: [60,90); C: [50,60); F: [0,50). |
Prerequisites | Students are assumed to be familiar with Data Structures (CS 261) and fluent in at least one mainstream language (C/C++, Java, Python). We'll start with a brief review of Data Structures integrated with a Python tutorial. |
Other Policies |
Canvas is for announcements (you'll receive an email for each announcement I made on Canvas)
and checking grades,
and Slack is for discussions.
For technical questions, come to office hours.
Otherwise you can raise a question on Slack. |
Week | Topics | Homework | Quiz/Exam | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 | (Thu) Admin Python Tutorial (first 5 pages) quicksort, BST, quickselect | HW1 (qselect, qsort->bst) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2 | (Tue)
brief discussions of HW1 tail recursion; non-recursive qselect divide-n-conquer: quicksort vs. mergesort merging two sorted lists via two-pointers stable sort; motivations: sorting with multiple keys stable: mergesort, insertion sort, non-randomized quicksort not stable: randomized quicksort, selection sort (but can be made stable) insertion/selection sort are "slow": O(n^2) insertion sort with binary search: n x (O(logn) + O(n)) = O(n^2) still
divide-n-conquer: number of inversions | HW2 (msort, inv, longest) | Thu: Quiz 1 (covers HW1) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
3 | (Tue)
hand out graded quiz1 insertion sort can be made O(nlogn) by balanced BST discussions of HW2: qsort with randomized pivot made stable by 3-way partition generic way to stablize sort: decorate-sort-undecorate mergesort implementation: mergesorted(a[1:], b) is O(n^2) k numbers closest to input query, sorted (Thu) k numbers closest to input query, unsorted; bisect.bisect x+y=query: O(n^2)->O(nlogn) x+y=z: O(n^3)->O(n^2 logn) -> O(n^2) x+y=z: hashing (python set): O(n^2) Priority Queue (emergency room) slow implementations: sorted list, reversely sorted list, sorted linkedlist fast implementation: binary heap; bubble-up/bubble-down | HW3 (k-closest, two pointers) |
| (Tue)
brief discussions of HW3 | heapify is O(n) Python heapq tutorial heapq bubble-down follows Knuth (vol.3) and different from textbooks k-way mergesort (Thu) data stream quiz2 and discussions HW4 | (priority queues; baby Dijkstra) Thu: Quiz 2 | (covers HWs1-3/quiz1) 5
| (Tue) handout Quiz2 | discussions of HW4 heapify is O(n) (Thu) DP 101: Fibonacci, memoization, bitstrings, max. indep. set [slides] HW5 | (DP I: memoized Fibonacci, # of BSTs, # of bistrings)
| 6
| (Tue) Knapsack: unbounded and 0-1 | KT slides (pp. 30-37) (Thu) Knapsack: bounded Discussions for HW5 Midterm Review problems [solutions] HW6 | (DP II: knapsack, unbounded and bounded)
| 7
| (Tue) Discussions of HW6 | Q/A session (Thu) Midterm
| Thu: Midterm
| 8
| (Tue) Discussions of Midterm solutions | graphs: intro topological sort (BFS-style) handout graded midterms (Thu) in-class coding session: topol sort: stack and queue Viterbi Dijkstra intro HW8 | (Topol, Viterbi)
| 9
| (Tue) Dijkstra: decrease-key; hashed heap (heapdict) | KT slides demo HW8 solutions (Thu) CKY: RNA structure KT slides HW9 | (Dijkstra; redo one midterm question)
| 10
| (Tue) counting and k-best RNA | (Thu) Thanksgiving HW10 (RNA structure)
| 11
| (Tue)
in-class coding session: k-best RNA | (Thu) Review problems updated solutions optional hw11 (edit-distance)
| 12
FINAL Fri 12/13 9:30am-11:20am | same room, closed book, closed notes |
To prepare for coding interviews, you have to practice on some of the above (say, solving at least 20 problems on codeforces, with at least two from each topic). To prepare for ACM/ICPC, you have to practice a lot (solving at least 100 problems on zoj/poj).