CS 514-001, Analysis of Algorithms, Fall 2022 HW2 - Divide-n-conquer: mergesort, number of inversions, longest path Due Monday Oct 3, 11:59pm (same submission instructions as HW1). No late submission will be accepted. Need to submit: report.txt, msort.py, inversions.py, and longest.py. longest.py will be graded for correctness (1%). To submit: flip $ /nfs/farm/classes/eecs/fall2022/cs514-001/submit hw2 report.txt {msort,inversions,longest}.py (You can submit each file separately, or submit them together.) To see your best results so far: flip $ /nfs/farm/classes/eecs/fall2022/cs514-001/query hw2 Textbooks for References: [1] CLRS Ch. 2 0. Which of the following sorting algorithms are (or can be made) stable? (a) mergesort (b) quicksort with the first element as pivot (c) quicksort with randomized pivot (d) selection sort (assuming you've learned it in data structures) (e) insertion sort (assuming you've learned it in data structures) (f) heap sort --- not covered yet (see CLRS Ch. 6) 1. [WILL BE GRADED] Length of the longest path in a binary tree (number of edges). We will use the "buggy qsort" representation of binary trees from HW1: [left_subtree, root, right_subtree] >>> longest([[], 1, []]) 0 >>> longest([[[], 1, []], 2, [[], 3, []]]) 2 >>> longest([[[[], 1, []], 2, [[], 3, []]], 4, [[[], 5, []], 6, [[], 7, [[], 9, []]]]]) 5 Note the answer is 5 because the longest path is 1-2-4-6-7-9. Filename: longest.py Must run in O(n) time. Debriefing (required!): -------------------------- 1. Approximately how many hours did you spend on this assignment? 2. Would you rate it as easy, moderate, or difficult? 3. Did you work on it mostly alone, or mostly with other people? Note you are encouraged to discuss with your classmates, but each students should submit his/her own code. 4. How deeply do you feel you understand the material it covers (0%-100%)? 5. Any other comments? This section is intended to help us calibrate the homework assignments. Your answers to this section will *not* affect your grade; however, skipping it will certainly do.