
\(\newcommand{\vecw}{\vec{w}}\) \(\newcommand{\vecx}{\vec{x}}\) \(\newcommand{\vecu}{\vec{u}}\) \(\newcommand{\veca}{\vec{a}}\) \(\newcommand{\vecb}{\vec{b}}\)


\(\newcommand{\vecwi}{\vecw\ind{i}}\) \(\newcommand{\vecwip}{\vecw\ind{i+1}}\) \(\newcommand{\vecwim}{\vecw\ind{i-1}}\) \(\newcommand{\norm}[1]{\lVert #1 \rVert}\) \(\newcommand{\normzero}[1]{\norm{#1}_0}\)

\(\newcommand{\vecws}{\vecw_{s}}\) \(\newcommand{\cardD}{|D|}\) \(\newcommand{\deltaw}{\Delta\vecw}\) \(\newcommand{\dupdate}{d_{\deltaw}}\) \(\newcommand{\deltawi}{\Delta\vecw\ind[i]}\)

Exploration 2.6: Voted and Averaged Perceptrons

Problems with Vanilla Perceptron

As mentioned in previous sections, the vanilla perceptron, while simple and beautiful, suffers from many problems:

As a result, with the publication of the Minksy and Papert (1969) book on Perceptrons pointing out all these problems, research on perceptron was dead for 30 years, until Freund and Schapire revived it in their breakthrough paper in 1999 where they proposed two simple variations of perceptron: the voted perceptron and the averaged perceptron, with two major improvements:

Between the two versions, the averaged perceptron is much simpler than voted perceptron, and runs almost as fast as the vanilla perceptron, but with much better generalization on test data.

Voted Perceptron

The key observation here is that later updates often dominate earlier ones. This because, as mentioned before, for any mistake on example \((\vecx, y)\), the new weight vector after the update, \[ \vecw' \gets \vecw + y\vecx \] is always better on this example than the old vector \(\vecw\), though not necessarily correcting the mistake. More specifically, the new dot product \[ \vecw'\cdot \vecx = \vecw \cdot \vecx + y\vecx^2 \] is always larger than the old dot product for positive examples and less than the old one for negative examples. However, this update might introduce mistakes on previously correct examples. Therefore, the vanilla perceptron is sensitive to the order of examples, and the last few updates would have more influence on the final result.

How would we alleviate this issue?

The first idea is to record the weight vector after each example in training data \(D\) (not just after each update, i.e., you would also record the weight vector even if there is no update), and then at the end of \(T\) epochs over the whole data, you would have collected a total of \(T|D|\) models. At testing time, the voted perceptron simply lets all these models take a vote, and follows the majority.

The above scheme would need to store all \(T|D|\) models, which would cost \(O(T|D|d)\) space where \(d\) is the feature dimensionality. That is too inefficient. Note that most of those weight vectors are duplicate: for example, if there are no updates in a row for 10 consecutive examples, then all those weight vectors are the same. As perceptron training progresses, the number of mistakes (or updates) decreases, and more and more weight vectors will be the same near the end. So can we do better?

A more efficient way of implementing the voted perceptron is to only the weight vectors after each update rather than after each example, and also record the number of votes for each weight vector (the previous scheme had 1 vote per weight vector). If there is no update on one example, we just increase the vote of that weight vector, so that this is equivalent to the original scheme. Now instead of \(O(T|D|d)\) space you only need \(O(Ud)\) where \(U\ll T|D|\) is the number of updates.

Freund and Schapire (1999) showed that voted perceptron outputs a large-margin classifier (though not necessarily the one with maximum-margin – that would need support vector machines, or SVMs). Geometrically, for a separable data set, there are infinitely many weight vectors (or models, or classifiers) that separates the positive and negative examples, but each model has a different margin. Clearly a larger margin model will generalize better at testing time. The other advantage of voted perceptron is stability: because it does not rely on a single model (the last weight vector) as in vanilla perceptron, and all intermediate models can vote, it is much more stable and insensitive to the order of examples.

error rates of voted and averaged perceptrons, from Freund and Schapire 1999

The above figure from their paper showed that vanilla perceptron is unstable (due to sensitivity to the order of examples), while voted perceptron is much more stable and generalizes much better on the unseen dev set (the dev error is lower).

Averaged Perceptron

The voted perceptron is much better than vanilla perceptron, but it is not very practical. This is because you still have to store each updated model, needing \(O(Ud)\) space where \(U\) is the number of updates. This may not be feasible when you have a high dimensional model and a big data set. Can we approximate voted perceptron with much less space? In that same paper, Freund and Schapire also proposed the averaged perceptron, which is a practical approximation of voted perceptron that works equally well (in terms of accuracy) with the former.

Instead of letting each intermediate model vote for the final result, the new idea is to output the average model, i.e., the average over all weight vectors after each example (again, not after each update). However, now you only need to store one extra model, the running sum over all intermediate models, i.e., \[\vecws \gets \vecws + \vecwi\] after the \(i\)th example. So at the end, the sum is \[\vecws = \sum_{i=1}^{T|D|} \vecwi\] which is your output (note that you do not even need to normalize it by \(T|D|\) because it does not change the direction of the vector).

Now we solved the space problem and just need the same \(O(d)\) space as vanilla perceptron. But it is still not very practical due to time complexity, because you need to perform this addition to the running sum \(\vecws\) after each example, and in total this needs \(O(T|D|d)\) time and it is too slow for high dimensional applications such as natural language. In those applications, the feature vectors \(\vecx\) are often very sparse (most dimensions are zeros and only a few are non-zero). The updates are even sparser because each training example \(\vecx\) (often a sentence) just includes a dozen or so words, so each update \(\deltaw\) just involves a dozen or so features. Let us assume

\(\dupdate = \max \deltaw =\max_{(\vecx,y)\in D} \normzero{\vecx} \ll d\)

to be the dimensionality of updates (which is the maximum number of non-zero features, or \(\ell_0\)-norm, of any example \(\vecx\)).

The vanilla perceptron runs in \(O(U\dupdate)\) time while the naive version of averaged perceptorn runs in \(O(T|D|d)\) time (\(U \ll T|D|)\) and \(\dupdate \ll d\)).

The pseudocode and visualization are shown below: averaged-perceptron-naive

Efficient Implementation of Averaged Perceptron

How could we improve the scalability?

Well, the first idea is identical to the idea in improved voted perceptron: instead of summing the weight vector after each example, we can save the weight vector after each update, and keep track of each weight vector’s “vote”. At the end just output a weighted sum \(\vecws = \sum_{i=1}^U \vecwi \cdot v_i\). This method costs more space (\(O(Ud)\)) but saves time (\(O(Ud)\)), which has identical time and space complexities with the improved voted perceptron, so still not practical.

The next key idea is the take advantage of the sparsity in updates. Since each update is extremely sparse \(\dupdate \ll d\), we should just store the update vectors \(\deltawi\) instead of \(\vecwi\). But notice that each update vector has influence all the way till the end of the training, so you need to keep track of the influence of each update vector. For example, assume there are four updates, one on each example:

\[ \begin{align} \vecws & = \vecw\ind{1} + \vecw\ind{2} + \vecw\ind{3} + \vecw\ind{4}\\ & = (\deltaw\ind{1}) + (\deltaw\ind{1} + \deltaw\ind{2}) + (\deltaw\ind{1} + \deltaw\ind{2} + \deltaw\ind{3}) + (\deltaw\ind{1} + \deltaw\ind{2} + \deltaw\ind{3} + \deltaw\ind{4})\\ & = 4\cdot\deltaw\ind{1} + 3\cdot\deltaw\ind{2} + 2\cdot\deltaw\ind{3} + 1\cdot\deltaw\ind{4} \end{align} \]

This would improve the space to \(O(d+U\dupdate)\) and time to \(O(U\dupdate)\), which is huge improvement, but still not the best we can do yet.

Following this line of thought, Hal Daumé (2006, PhD thesis) invented a much simpler (and even more scalable) trick that brings the space and time down to the original vanilla perceptron. Basically, you just need an auxiliary vector \(\vecw_a\) and a counter \(c\) to count the number of examples (not updates) so far. Whenever you make an update (\(\vecw\gets \vecw + \deltaw\) where the update \(\deltaw = y\vecx\)), you would also update the auxiliary vector

\[\vecw_a\gets \vecw_a + c\deltaw\]

We can show that in each step, we have the running sum \(\vecws = c\vecw - \vecw_a\). The intuition is that earlier updates have more influence, but in the auxiliary vector, earlier updates are weighted less:

\[ \vecw_a = 0\cdot \deltaw\ind{1} +1\cdot \deltaw\ind{2} +2\cdot \deltaw\ind{3} +3\cdot \deltaw\ind{4}\]

so that when we subtract it from \(c\vecw\ind{4}\), we have:

\[ \begin{align} 4\vecw\ind{4} - \vecw_a &= 4(\deltaw\ind{1}+\deltaw\ind{2}+\deltaw\ind{3}+\deltaw\ind{4})\\ & \quad - (0\cdot \deltaw\ind{1} +1\cdot \deltaw\ind{2} +2\cdot \deltaw\ind{3} +3\cdot \deltaw\ind{4})\\ & = 4\cdot\deltaw\ind{1} + 3\cdot\deltaw\ind{2} + 2\cdot\deltaw\ind{3} + 1\cdot\deltaw\ind{4}\\ & = \vecw\ind{1} + \vecw\ind{2} + \vecw\ind{3} + \vecw\ind{4}\\ & = \vecws \end{align} \]

The new pseudocode and visualization are shown below: averaged-perceptron-fastest

Now we have the fastest averaged perceptron algorithm, which has identical time and space as the vanilla perceptron: \(O(d)\) space and \((U\dupdate +d)\) time. The following table summarizes the complexities of various algorithms.

space time
vanilla perceptron \(O(d)\) \(O(U\dupdate+d)\)
voted perceptron - naive \(O(T\cardD d)\) \(O(T\cardD d)\)
voted perceptron - improved \(O(Ud)\) \(O(Ud)\)
averaged perceptron - naive \(O(d)\) \(O(T\cardD d)\)
averaged perceptron - improved \(O(Ud)\) \((Ud)\)
averaged perceptron - \(\deltaw\) \(O(d+U\dupdate)\) \(O(U\dupdate+d)\)
averaged perceptron - fastest \(O(d)\) \(O(U\dupdate+d)\)
