Class Policies
- CS 325 (Algorithms)
- Fluency in a programming language
- The ability to take simple derivatives
Learning Objectives
- Analyze the dimensions along which agents and environments vary, along with key functions that must be implemented in a general agent.
- Implement agents using search algorithms such as uninformed search, informed search or local search.
- Develop strategies for agents in games of perfect and imperfect information.
- Represent knowledge of the world using logic and infer new facts from that knowledge.
- Use a Bayesian network to make quantitative (probabilistic) and qualitative inferences.
- Implement a Bayesian network that solves a simple version of a problem such as text categorization or object recognition.
Grading and Exams
An approximate weighting of the marks in the course is listed below. This may change slightly depending on the number
and size of the assignments.
- Programming Assignments (3 of them) - 30%
- Written Assignments (4 of them) - 20%
- Pre-class Reading Quizzes (10 of them; drop lowest 2) - 10%
- Midterm - 20%
- Final - 20%
- In-class Participation - extra credit up to 5% of the total points for the class
The midterm and exam are are open-book. Only print materials are
permitted. Hand-held calculators are also allowed, but no laptops or
phones. Do not rely too heavy on your notes during an exam! Use
them as a safety net.
Policy on collaboration
In solo assignments, collaboration is limited to verbal discussion
of general approaches and strategies for the assignment. You can give
each other examples that are not in the assignment. If you collaborate
in this way, you will be asked to declare your collaborators.
Things not allowed:
- No use of code, documentation, or other written media from sources
other than yourself (e.g., classmates, internet, etc. ) unless
explicitly allowed by the assignment.
- Do not tell each other the answers
For assignments done in teams, team members within the same
team may explicitly discuss answers. However, the rules above
apply between teams.
For further details, please refer to the OSU Academic dishonesty policy and the
CS Academic dishonesty policy.
Late Policy
Written assignments are due at the start of class. The late policy is as follows:
- 0-24 hours late: 90% of the final score
- 24-48 hours late: 50% of the final score
- After 48 hours late: 0%
If you hand in a late written assignment, please slip the
assignment under my office door (KEC 2071).
Note: Reading quizzes are exempt from the late policy. Late
submissions will not be accepted.
I will use Canvas for the following purposes in this course:
- Storing and distributing your grades. Let us know if there are any mistakes in your grades. Please check them after each assignment and exam.
- Pre-class reading quizzes.
- Discussion board. If you have questions about assignments or exams, the following options are available:
- See the instructor or TA during their office hours.
- Post to the discussion board. You will find that the discussion board has a much better response time than email because many more
pairs of eyes will be monitoring it. You will get help from the instructor, the TA, and even other students.
- If you're really stuck, email the TA or the instructor. If you send the instructor email, be warned that she receives well over
a hundred email messages a day and she may not get to your email for a while.
Accommodations for students with disabilities are
determined and approved by Disability Access Services (DAS). If you,
as a student, believe you are eligible for accommodations but have not
obtained approval please contact DAS immediately at 541-737-4098 or at DAS
notifies students and faculty members of approved academic
accommodations and coordinates implementation of those
accommodations. While not required, students and faculty members are
encouraged to discuss details of the implementation of individual
Community Statement
(Thanks to Eric Walkingshaw for this text.)
Every student should feel safe and welcome to contribute in this course. As the instructor, I will try to establish this tone whenever possible, but ultimately the responsibility for cultivating a safe and welcoming community belongs to the students-that means you!
Fortunately, being part of a safe and welcoming community is not too hard. A good place to start is to recognize (and continually remind yourself) of the following facts:
- Your classmates come from a variety of cultural, economic, and educational backgrounds. Something that is obvious to you may not be obvious to them.
- Your classmates are human beings with intelligence and emotions. This applies even if you are interacting anonymously on Canvas.
- Your classmates are here to learn. They have the right to pursue their education without being distracted by others' disruptive behavior, or made uncomfortable by inappropriate jokes or unwanted sexual interest.
If each of us remembers these facts and act with corresponding decency, respect, and professionalism, the course will certainly be better for everyone.
Some students might be inclined to shrug this off and perhaps crack a joke about safe spaces or political correctness. If that's you, please also know that if you make a fellow student uncomfortable by mocking them, making inappropriate jokes, or making unwanted advances, that is harassment and will be taken seriously. (If you are a victim of harassment, please see the brief list of resources below.)
However, I hope that we can all approach this positively. Treat your classmates as respected colleagues, support each other when needed, have fun without spoiling it for anyone else, and everybody wins.
What to do about harassment
If you are the victim of harassment in this class, there are several resources available to you:
You may also want to read OSU's policies on bullying and on sexual harassment and misconduct.
Policy on Children in Class
(Thanks to Melissa Cheyney for this text.)
It is my belief that if we want women in academia, that
we should also expect children to be present in some form. Currently,
the university does not have a formal policy on children in the
classroom. The policy described here is thus, a reflection of my own
beliefs and commitments to student, staff and faculty parents.
- All exclusively breastfeeding babies are welcome in class as
often as is necessary to support the breastfeeding
relationship. Because not all women can pump sufficient milk, and
not all babies will take a bottle reliably, I never want students to
feel like they have to choose between feeding their baby and
continuing their education. You and your nursing baby are welcome in
class anytime.
- For older children and babies, I understand that minor illnesses
and unforeseen disruptions in childcare often put parents in the
position of having to chose between missing class to stay home with
a child and leaving him or her with someone you or the child does
not feel comfortable with. While this is not meant to be a long-term
childcare solution, occasionally bringing a child to class in order
to cover gaps in care is perfectly acceptable.
- I ask that all students work with me to create a welcoming
environment that is respectful of all forms of diversity, including
diversity in parenting status.
- In all cases where babies and children come to class, I ask
that you sit close to the door so that if your little one needs
special attention and is disrupting learning for other students, you
may step outside until their need has been met. Non-parents in the
class, please reserve seats near the door for your parenting
- Finally, I understand that often the largest barrier to
completing your coursework once you become a parent is the tiredness
many parents feel in the evening once children have finally gone to
sleep. The struggles of balancing school, childcare and often
another job are exhausting! I hope that you will feel comfortable
disclosing your student-parent status to me. This is the first step
in my being able to accommodate any special needs that arise. While
I maintain the same high expectations for all student in my classes
regardless of parenting status, I am happy to problem solve with you
in a way that makes you feel supported as you strive for
school-parenting balance. Thank you for the diversity you bring to
our classroom!
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