CS 519 - Big Data Exploration and Analytics - Spring 2019

Instructor: Arash Termehchy

Home | Administration and Policies | Schedule | Projects


  • Time: 10-11:20pm Tuesday/Thursday
  • Place: Weniger Hall 201
  • Instructor: Arash Termehchy
    • Office: 3053 Kelley Engineering Center, Email: termehca AT eecs DOT oregonstate DOT edu
    • Office hours: Thursday 11:20-12:20 or by appointment.
  • Discussion forum : Piazza


Students should have good programming skills and mathematical maturity. CS 540, CS 440 or equivalent courses are required. Please contact the instructor if you are not sure whether you have the required background.

Communications with Instructor

Students are strongly encouraged to ask questions from the instructor in order to understand the course materials. Students should send their email messages from an OSU email account with the tag [CS519] at the beginning of their subjects.


Paper Review

All students should read the papers marked with (*) before the class and post a short 300-words summary of the paper to the class discussion forum before 11:00 pm on the day before the class. Late submissions are not accepted. The presenter of a paper does not need to submit any review for the paper. Each review should answer the following questions about the paper:

  • What is the problem discussed in the paper?
  • Why is it important?
  • What are the main ideas of the proposed solution for the problem?
  • What are the strengths and weaknesses of the approach proposed in the paper?
  • (extra) How can one extend this work?
Useful resources on how to reading scientific papers:

Paper Presentation

The purpose of presenting papers is for students to improve their skills in reading, understanding, and presenting scientific papers. After the first three lectures, students will present the selected papers for the class. Students should prepare their presentation carefully and make sure that the audience understand the main ideas of the paper. Students should finish their presentations with a critical assessment of the paper: its strong points, weak points, and possible extensions preferably along the line of the course main theme. Students should select their papers from the schedule page within the first two weeks of the class. The students will be graded based on the their quality and clarity of presentations, their knowledge of the material, and their abilities to initiate and lead discussions about the paper in the class and Piazza. Presenters should email their power point slides by 5:00 pm four days before the presentation date to the instructor. Each presentation will take about 45 minutes.


Each presentation will follow with a discussion about the paper, its strong points, weak points (mostly), and its relevance to the main theme of the course. All students should participate in the discussions and ask at least one question each week in the class. The students will be graded based on the interestingness of the questions they ask and the discussions they start in the class.


After the discussion, we will ask a short question from students about the paper. Each student should answer the question in less than 5 minutes,


Students should develop a data centric research project related to the main theme of the class. The projects may be done in groups of 2 - 4 people. Students should form their groups and find the subject for their projects within the first three weeks of the class. The projects are graded based on their technical depth and novelty. They may involve theoretical and/or system building efforts. A list of possible projects can be found at projects page.

Grading Scheme

All grade disputes must be received via email within one week of receiving the grade. We use the following grading scheme.

  • Paper review - 15%
  • Paper presentation -20%
  • Participation and discussion -10%
  • Quiz - 15%
  • Project - 40%
Grade Average
A 93 or greater
A- 90 - 92
B+ 87 - 89
B 83 - 86
B- 80 - 82
C+ 77 - 79
C 73 - 76
C- 70 - 72
D+ 67 - 69
D 63 - 66
D- 60 - 62
F less than 60

Students with Disabilities

"Accommodations are collaborative efforts between students, faculty and Disability Access Services (DAS). Students with accommodations approved through DAS are responsible for contacting the faculty member in charge of the course prior to or during the first week of the term to discuss accommodations. Students who believe they are eligible for accommodations but who have not yet obtained approval through DAS should contact DAS immediately at (541) 737-4098."

Students with documented disabilities who may need accommodations, who have any emergency medical information the instructor should be aware of, or who need special arrangements in the event of evacuation, should make an appointment with the instructor as early as possible, and no later than the first week of the term. Class materials will be made available in an accessible format upon request.