CS 340 Intro to Databases
In this class you will have the opportunity to learn the basic skills needed to: design and implement a simple to moderately complex database, make good decisions regarding database design and document your design and queries in standardized notation. Additionally you will have the opportunity to practice these skills by building a simple website driven by a database backend.
Recommended books
Relational Database Design and Implementation by Jan L Harrington is the recommended textbook for CS340-400.
A rough mapping of the current weeks to the chapters of the book.
- Chapters 1-3 ‐> Week 1
- Chapters 4-5 ‐> Week 2-3
- Chapter 10-11 ‐> Week 4
- Chapters 16-17 + 19 ‐> Week 5
- Chapter 6 ‐> Week 6
- Chapter 7 ‐> Week 7
For the node.js part, recommended books from CS 290 should suffice.