# has-yarn [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/sindresorhus/has-yarn.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/sindresorhus/has-yarn) > Check if a project is using [Yarn](https://yarnpkg.com) Useful for tools that needs to know whether to use `yarn` or `npm` to install dependencies. It checks if a `yarn.lock` file is present in the working directory. ## Install ``` $ npm install has-yarn ``` ## Usage ``` . ├── foo │   └── package.json └── bar ├── package.json └── yarn.lock ``` ```js const hasYarn = require('has-yarn'); hasYarn('foo'); //=> false hasYarn('bar'); //=> true ``` ## API ### hasYarn([cwd]) Returns a `boolean` of whether the project uses Yarn. #### cwd Type: `string`
Default: `process.cwd()` Current working directory. ## Related - [has-yarn-cli](https://github.com/sindresorhus/has-yarn-cli) - CLI for this module ## License MIT © [Sindre Sorhus](https://sindresorhus.com)