# Error The `Napi::Error` class is a representation of the JavaScript `Error` object that is thrown when runtime errors occur. The Error object can also be used as a base object for user-defined exceptions. The `Napi::Error` class is a persistent reference to a JavaScript error object thus inherits its behavior from the `Napi::ObjectReference` class (for more info see: [`Napi::ObjectReference`](object_reference.md)). If C++ exceptions are enabled (for more info see: [Setup](setup.md)), then the `Napi::Error` class extends `std::exception` and enables integrated error-handling for C++ exceptions and JavaScript exceptions. For more details about error handling refer to the section titled [Error handling](error_handling.md). ## Methods ### New Creates empty instance of an `Napi::Error` object for the specified environment. ```cpp Napi::Error::New(Napi::Env env); ``` - `[in] env`: The environment in which to construct the `Napi::Error` object. Returns an instance of `Napi::Error` object. ### New Creates instance of an `Napi::Error` object. ```cpp Napi::Error::New(Napi::Env env, const char* message); ``` - `[in] env`: The environment in which to construct the `Napi::Error` object. - `[in] message`: Null-terminated string to be used as the message for the `Napi::Error`. Returns instance of an `Napi::Error` object. ### New Creates instance of an `Napi::Error` object ```cpp Napi::Error::New(Napi::Env env, const std::string& message); ``` - `[in] env`: The environment in which to construct the `Napi::Error` object. - `[in] message`: Reference string to be used as the message for the `Napi::Error`. Returns instance of an `Napi::Error` object. ### Fatal In case of an unrecoverable error in a native module, a fatal error can be thrown to immediately terminate the process. ```cpp static NAPI_NO_RETURN void Napi::Error::Fatal(const char* location, const char* message); ``` The function call does not return, the process will be terminated. ### Constructor Creates empty instance of an `Napi::Error`. ```cpp Napi::Error::Error(); ``` Returns an instance of `Napi::Error` object. ### Constructor Initializes an `Napi::Error` instance from an existing JavaScript error object. ```cpp Napi::Error::Error(napi_env env, napi_value value); ``` - `[in] env`: The environment in which to construct the error object. - `[in] value`: The `Napi::Error` reference to wrap. Returns instance of an `Napi::Error` object. ### Message ```cpp std::string& Napi::Error::Message() const NAPI_NOEXCEPT; ``` Returns the reference to the string that represent the message of the error. ### ThrowAsJavaScriptException Throw the error as JavaScript exception. ```cpp void Napi::Error::ThrowAsJavaScriptException() const; ``` Throws the error as a JavaScript exception. ### what ```cpp const char* Napi::Error::what() const NAPI_NOEXCEPT override; ``` Returns a pointer to a null-terminated string that is used to identify the exception. This method can be used only if the exception mechanism is enabled.