# Axon Axon is a message-oriented socket library for node.js heavily inspired by zeromq. For a light-weight UDP alternative you may be interested in [punt](https://github.com/visionmedia/punt). [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/unitech/pm2-axon.png)](https://travis-ci.org/unitech/pm2-axon) ## Installation $ npm install axon ## Features - message oriented - automated reconnection - light-weight wire protocol - mixed-type arguments (strings, objects, buffers, etc) - unix domain socket support - fast (~800 mb/s ~500,000 messages/s) ## Events - `close` when server or connection is closed - `error` (err) when an un-handled socket error occurs - `ignored error` (err) when an axon-handled socket error occurs, but is ignored - `socket error` (err) emitted regardless of handling, for logging purposes - `reconnect attempt` when a reconnection attempt is made - `connect` when connected to the peer, or a peer connection is accepted - `disconnect` when an accepted peer disconnects - `bind` when the server is bound - `drop` (msg) when a message is dropped due to the HWM - `flush` (msgs) queued when messages are flushed on connection ## Patterns - push / pull - pub / sub - req / rep - pub-emitter / sub-emitter ## Mixed argument types Backed by [node-amp-message](https://github.com/visionmedia/node-amp-message) you may pass strings, objects, and buffers as arguments. ```js push.send('image', { w: 100, h: 200 }, imageBuffer); pull.on('message', function(type, size, img){}); ``` ## Push / Pull `PushSocket`s distribute messages round-robin: ```js var axon = require('axon'); var sock = axon.socket('push'); sock.bind(3000); console.log('push server started'); setInterval(function(){ sock.send('hello'); }, 150); ``` Receiver of `PushSocket` messages: ```js var axon = require('axon'); var sock = axon.socket('pull'); sock.connect(3000); sock.on('message', function(msg){ console.log(msg.toString()); }); ``` Both `PushSocket`s and `PullSocket`s may `.bind()` or `.connect()`. In the following configuration the push socket is bound and pull "workers" connect to it to receive work: ![push bind](http://f.cl.ly/items/473u3m1a0k1i0J0I3s04/ss-push.png) This configuration shows the inverse, where workers connect to a "sink" to push results: ![pull bind](http://f.cl.ly/items/3Y0j2v153Q0l1r373i0H/ss-pull.png) ## Pub / Sub `PubSocket`s send messages to all subscribers without queueing. This is an important difference when compared to a `PushSocket`, where the delivery of messages will be queued during disconnects and sent again upon the next connection. ```js var axon = require('axon'); var sock = axon.socket('pub'); sock.bind(3000); console.log('pub server started'); setInterval(function(){ sock.send('hello'); }, 500); ``` `SubSocket` simply receives any messages from a `PubSocket`: ```js var axon = require('axon'); var sock = axon.socket('sub'); sock.connect(3000); sock.on('message', function(msg){ console.log(msg.toString()); }); ``` `SubSocket`s may optionally `.subscribe()` to one or more "topics" (the first multipart value), using string patterns or regular expressions: ```js var axon = require('axon'); var sock = axon.socket('sub'); sock.connect(3000); sock.subscribe('user:login'); sock.subscribe('upload:*:progress'); sock.on('message', function(topic, msg){ }); ``` ## Req / Rep `ReqSocket` is similar to a `PushSocket` in that it round-robins messages to connected `RepSocket`s, however it differs in that this communication is bi-directional, every `req.send()` _must_ provide a callback which is invoked when the `RepSocket` replies. ```js var axon = require('axon'); var sock = axon.socket('req'); sock.bind(3000); sock.send(img, function(res){ }); ``` `RepSocket`s receive a `reply` callback that is used to respond to the request, you may have several of these nodes. ```js var axon = require('axon'); var sock = axon.socket('rep'); sock.connect(3000); sock.on('message', function(img, reply){ // resize the image reply(img); }); ``` Like other sockets you may provide multiple arguments or an array of arguments, followed by the callbacks. For example here we provide a task name of "resize" to facilitate multiple tasks over a single socket: ```js var axon = require('axon'); var sock = axon.socket('req'); sock.bind(3000); sock.send('resize', img, function(res){ }); ``` Respond to the "resize" task: ```js var axon = require('axon'); var sock = axon.socket('rep'); sock.connect(3000); sock.on('message', function(task, img, reply){ switch (task) { case 'resize': // resize the image reply(img); break; } }); ``` ## PubEmitter / SubEmitter `PubEmitter` and `SubEmitter` are higher-level `Pub` / `Sub` sockets, using the "json" codec to behave much like node's `EventEmitter`. When a `SubEmitter`'s `.on()` method is invoked, the event name is `.subscribe()`d for you. Each wildcard (`*`) or regexp capture group is passed to the callback along with regular message arguments. app.js: ```js var axon = require('axon'); var sock = axon.socket('pub-emitter'); sock.connect(3000); setInterval(function(){ sock.emit('login', { name: 'tobi' }); }, 500); ``` logger.js: ```js var axon = require('axon'); var sock = axon.socket('sub-emitter'); sock.bind(3000); sock.on('user:login', function(user){ console.log('%s signed in', user.name); }); sock.on('user:*', function(action, user){ console.log('%s %s', user.name, action); }); sock.on('*', function(event){ console.log(arguments); }); ``` ## Socket Options Every socket has associated options that can be configured via `get/set`. - `identity` - the "name" of the socket that uniqued identifies it. - `retry timeout` - connection retry timeout in milliseconds [100] (0 = do not reconnect) - `retry max timeout` - the cap for retry timeout length in milliseconds [5000] - `hwm` - the high water mark threshold for queues [Infinity] ## Binding / Connecting In addition to passing a portno, binding to INADDR_ANY by default, you may also specify the hostname via `.bind(port, host)`, another alternative is to specify the url much like zmq via `tcp://:`, thus the following are equivalent: ``` sock.bind(3000) sock.bind(3000, '') sock.bind('tcp://') sock.connect(3000) sock.connect(3000, '') sock.connect('tcp://') ``` You may also use unix domain sockets: ``` sock.bind('unix:///some/path') sock.connect('unix:///some/path') ``` ## Protocol Axon 2.x uses the extremely simple [AMP](https://github.com/visionmedia/node-amp) protocol to send messages on the wire. Codecs are no longer required as they were in Axon 1.x. ## Performance Preliminary benchmarks on my Macbook Pro based on 10 messages per tick as a realistic production application would likely have even less than this. "better" numbers may be acheived with batching and a larger messages/tick count however this is not realistic. 64 byte messages: ``` min: 47,169 ops/s mean: 465,127 ops/s median: 500,000 ops/s total: 2,325,636 ops in 5s through: 28.39 mb/s ``` 1k messages: ``` min: 48,076 ops/s mean: 120,253 ops/s median: 121,951 ops/s total: 601,386 ops in 5.001s through: 117.43 mb/s ``` 8k messages: ``` min: 36,496 ops/s mean: 53,194 ops/s median: 50,505 ops/s total: 266,506 ops in 5.01s through: 405.84 mb/s ```` 32k messages: ``` min: 12,077 ops/s mean: 14,792 ops/s median: 16,233 ops/s total: 74,186 ops in 5.015s through: 462.28 mb/s ``` ## What's it good for? Axon are not meant to combat zeromq nor provide feature parity, but provide a nice solution when you don't need the insane nanosecond latency or language interoperability that zeromq provides as axon do not rely on any third-party compiled libraries. ## Running tests ``` $ npm install $ make test ``` ## Authors - [visionmedia](http://github.com/visionmedia) - [gjohnson](https://github.com/gjohnson) ## Links - [Screencast](https://vimeo.com/45818408) - [Axon RPC](https://github.com/visionmedia/axon-rpc) ## License MIT