CS 161 - Introduction to Computer Science I

Winter 2018: MWF 10 - 10:50am, WNGR 151 & 2-2:50pm, LINC 100


Please read the style guidelines for this class.

Even though these are guidelines and not a standard for this class, 10 points of each assignment grade is based on having program and function headers, proper indentation, and vertical spacing between statements. BE CONSISTENT!!!

EVERY assignment in this course is graded by demoing your work for 10 minutes with a TA. You are required to meet with a TA within two weeks of the due date to demo.

Demo Outside 2 Weeks: Assignments that are not demo'd within the acceptable time period will be subject to a 50 point deduction.

Demo Late Assignments: Late assignments must still be demoed within the two week demo period beginning from the assignment's original due date.

Missing a Demo: If you miss your demo with a TA, you will receive a 10 point (one letter grade) deduction to that assignment for each demo missed.

Assignment #1 - Printing, Math and Command Line
Assignment #2 - Text Adventure, Clarifications
Assignment #3 - Error Handling and Helper Function Library, Clarifications
Assignment #4 - Calculators
Assignment #5 - Farkle
Assignment #6 - Checkers