

Updated Lecture Notes

Date # Description
09/26/23 1 Kirchhoff's Laws and Nodal Analysis
09/26/23 2 Cap_charge_energy
09/26/23 3 ANALYSIS OF MULTI-Source N-ports
09/26/23 4 Transfer Functions
10/15/23 5 Reciprocity and Interreciprocity
10/18/23 6 Updated Approximation Theory Lecture Notes
10/23/23 7 CMOS Active Filters & Switched-Cap Filters

Previous Lecture Notes

Date # Description
09/24/13 0 Printable Lecture Notes
10/02/14 0 Notes_12-30 Graph Theory
09/29/14 0 LectureCatchUp_20140926
09/14/12 1 p.1-21, p.22-30
09/14/12 2 p.31-53, p.54-69
09/14/12 3 p.70-75, p.76-96
09/14/12 4 p.97-101, p.102-117
09/14/12 5 p.118-120, p.121-126, p127-134
09/14/12 6 P.135-154 Approximation Theory I
09/14/12 7 p.155-180 Chebyshev & General Stopband Filters
09/14/12 8 p.181-182 Finding H(s), p183-194 Frequency Transformation
09/14/12 9 p.195-208 Bessel Filter, p209-210 Finding A(s) from A(jω)2
09/14/12 10 p211-219 Bandpass Filter Approximation
09/14/12 11 MATLAB Filter Design
09/14/12 12 Continuous-Time Filters
09/14/12 13 CMOS Active Filters
09/14/12 14 Noise
09/14/12 15 Kerwin Filter
09/14/12 16 midterm-2009
09/14/12 17 Lecture for Filters
09/14/12 18 Matlab command for filter design
09/14/12 19 fdatool
09/24/12 20 Spice_Netlist of an Instrumentation amplifier
10/07/12 21 Andreas WeisshaarECE580_guest-lecture
10/10/12 22 Scattering Matrix notes
11/4/12 23 Bessel Filter Example
11/30/12 24 Extra project report 2012
11/30/12 25 Extra project report 2012
10/18/13 26 Scattering Matrix Oct18 2013
11/06/13 27 Example of delay approximation
11/22/13 28 Introduction_Switched_Capacitor_Circuits