Below you will find the schema assoicated to the Battlestar Galactica schema. This schema essentially keeps track of data for a fleet of space ships. bsg_people are the individuals on the ships. bsg_planets are planets that those people may have originally came from. bsg_cert is a list of certifications the people may have, it has a standard relationship table linking it to bsg_people. bsg_ship_assignment lists the ship instances individuals may be assigned to.
Ships are the most complex piece of this database. Ships are broken into classes which are fruther broken down into variants. So there is a Viper class of ships, but there are several variants, for example the Mk II and the MK VII, each variant having its own class ID but sharing the class name. Then there are ship instances. The ship instance has a class and an id as a composite key. Additionaly a ship can be based within another ship. In this cas the table references itself to indicate which ship instanced an instance is based in.