CS 352 Project: Winter 2019

CS 352 Project, Winter 2019

Your mission is to design a substantial user interface, carefully and thoroughly following the methods and principles from CS 352. Guide your efforts by following the PRICPE process.

This list of project assignments is subject to change. Always be sure to "refresh" this page to make sure you're looking at the latest.

Project Ideas

As announced in class, any software project with a reasonably big user interface is fine. It can be a project you are involved in elsewhere, or not. HOWEVER, you do need to be able to observe/interview potential users.

Project Parts 1, 2, and 3: Proposal: (PRICPE)

Due date: See the main class web page. For the electronic part, use TEACH.

Your proposal should include the following:

  1. Name of team members
  2. Project description (what do you want to do)
  3. "P": predispositions. (From the perspective of factors about your USERS that could impact the USABILITY of the system: what do you know, and even more important, what do you NOT know?)

Typical length: About 1-2 pages for parts #1-#2, and about 1-2 pages for part #3.

Samples from prior years (under slightly different requirements): Parts #1-#2, and Part #3.

Note about part #2: If you have doubts about the suitability of your project idea for this class, feel free to ask during office hours before the due date, so that you don't waste time developing an idea that I'm not likely to approve.

Tentative Grading Criteria for Proposal Parts 1 and 2

Graded by: Doshna, Total of 20 points

Tentative Grading Criteria for Proposal Part 3

Graded by: Doshna, Total of 16 points

Project Part 4: Your users (PRICPE)

Due date: See class schedule. For the electronic part, use TEACH

This is the "R", mainly from your formative empirical work, stemming from the "P" part of your proposal above. Note that since the process is iterative, it is indeed allowable to expand the "P" (research questions) as you progress with finding out more about your users.

The "R" will consist of in-the-field observations or in-the-field interviews of people who could be your users doing the task you are trying to support. (For example, if your users are supposed to be students planning their classes, then you should observe or field-interview students planning their classes. If your users are supposed to be grocery shoppers shopping, then you should observe or field-interview grocery shoppers shopping. Etc.) In addition, you may want to include other forms of research such as web research for additional concept ideas and so on, but we will not grade these other forms of research.

NOTE: Please avoid CS students as the users you observe/interview. You need experience learning to understand users not so much like you.

What to turn in:

  1. What are the research questions/goals (initially derived from the "P" in your proposal).
  2. Process: How did you proceed to answer these questions? Be detailed. For example, if you conducted an interview, list all the questions. Where and when did you collect the data? How did you set up to allow triangulation, etc.
  3. An exhaustive inventory of the elements we discussed in class:
    • The people in the space
      • 1. Who are they, what are they like?
      • 2. What are they doing?
      • 3. How are they doing it?
      • 4. What do their emotions, purposes, reactions seem to be?
      • 5. What problems do they encounter with their activities?
    • The objects (technological and otherwise) in the space and with the people
      • 1. What are the functional elements of the objects?
      • 2. What are the decorational elements?
      • 3. Which objects do people look for (perhaps to somehow interact with)?
      • 4. Which objects do people bring with them that matter to the activities they are trying to do?
    • The environment: spaces, architecture, lighting etc
      • 1. What is the layout?
      • 2. What is the environment like?
      • 3. How does it influence the activities people engage in?
      • 4. How does the environment support the objects above?
  4. Attach your raw data: detailed observations or interview responses (verbal and non-verbal)
  5. With the detailed observations/responses, point out the places that provide Results/Insights and say what they are ("I"):
    • What are the answers to your research questions?
    • What other insights did you get from this that are relevant to your design?

What am I looking for:

Expected length: 6-10 pages, including words and sketches. For sketches, feel free to scan them in instead of drawing them on the computer.

Note: You can combine things into one file, or turn in separate files if it's easier (eg, a separate one for sketches?). The TEACH site will support several separate files.

Sample from a prior year (similar but not exactly the same assignment criteria).

Tentative Grading Criteria for User Data Assignment

Graded by: Doshna, Total of 30 points

Additional notes:

Project Part 5: Concepts and early Prototype #1 (PRICPE):

Your team will prepare a poster with the information below, to be presented at Design Studio 1, for brainstorming and feedback. See main class web page for the date.
Also turn in the pages from your poster electronically by 11:59 pm. Make sure everything turned in is readable. Use the TEACH hand-in page.

Present the following:

Notes on constraints on your concepts/prototypes:

How you will be graded: This prototype will be graded based on how well you addressed the details I asked you for (see list in this subsection). This score will contribute a portion of your eventual grade for the prototype portion of the project.

Expected length: enough to fill up a poster, which will probably be 6-8 pieces of paper containing sketches, justifications, explanations, background. As usual, feel free to scan in sketches instead of drawing them on a computer.

Sample from a prior year (not exactly the same as this year's specs, but gives some reasonable ideas).

Give feedback to other teams here from Design Gallery #1

Tentative Grading Criteria for Design Gallery #1

Graded by: Doshna, Total of 100 points

Project Part 6: Empirical Evaluation Preparation (PRICPE):

Due date: See main class web page for the date. Use TEACH hand-in page

Plan (1) your Heuristic Evaluation and (2) your usability study, as follows:

Heads-up: By the time of your actual evaluation (next assignment), your prototype will need to be in Mockups (even if it is just a scan in of sketches with widgets/transitions added). The updated prototype will need to support some user in your target population doing some task that's fairly central for your prototype. For example, if you are working on EmpCenter, the task might be "enter my hours for this week". Or if you're working on a Bookstore Map system, the task might be "Find one of the Jim Chee Mysteries by Tony Hillerman".

What to turn in:

Samples: Sample #1. Sample #2. Note: the requirements for this assignment were different for these samples, but they will still give you some ideas.

Tentative Grading Criteria (these need to be updated to include the HE part, but this gives some idea):

Graded by: doshna, Total of 40 points

Evaluation (PRICPE):

Due date: See main class web page for the date.

The evaluation will be evaluated on your adherence to the evaluation plan (or explanations of why you deviated) and the richness and completeness of the analysis performed.

Turn in:

Samples: Sample #1. Sample #2. Note: the requirements for this assignment were somewhat different in prior terms, but these will still give you good ideas.

Tentative Grading Criteria for Evaluation (100 pts possible)

Graded by: Doshna

Prototype #2 (Mockups) (PRICPE):

For brainstorming, feedback at our Design Gallery. See main class web page for the date.
Also turn in the pages from your poster electronically the same day. Use the TEACH hand-in page. (Although the runnable Mockups prototype needs to exist for your poster, you do not need to turn in the actual prototype.)

Present the following. All materials must be READABLE by human eyeballs. :-)

Sample. (Somewhat different specs that year and different prototyping tool, but still gives an idea.)

Give Design Gallery #2 feedback to other teams here

Note: This hand-in will not be graded alone, but will be taken account in the final version's grade. This hand-in was to document the rate of progress from the first version to this version to the final version.

Final Prototype (Mockups) and Team Presentation:

Due date is on the main class web page. Turn in:

You can give your feedback on teams from their final presentations here

Your final prototype (by now all High Fidelity (i.e., completely done in Mocksups, no more scanned-in pencil drawings) will be graded on the strength of connection between usability design principles and your users with the decisions you made. See the Presentation guidelines above for various acceptable things to use as justifications. In summary, the more justification for each design decision based on HCI principles and the "Research" and "Evaluation" aspects of PRICPE you have experienced, the better your grade.

Tentative Grading Criteria for Final Prototype and Team Presentation

Graded by: Doshna, Total of 60 points

Date of last update: Mar. 15, 2019