Instructor: Dr. Burnett
My Office: KEC 3051
E-Mail: mylastname @ eecs ...
Dr. Burnett's Office Hours are listed on my home page
In addition, the TA's Office Hours are: Wednesdays: 10:00-11:00 am and Fridays: 1:00-2:00 pm. Via Google Hangouts. Please add
Class location: WNGR 275
Inclusive design has a strong business case: designing software that works for more customers than before has a wider potential market. The challenge is to find ways to design inclusively without having to have a separate design for each differently abled customer.
One intellectual tool that can help with this is personas. Personas' use in HCI and User Experience jobs/fields is widespread in industry, so these skills should be useful from both HCI research and practice. Personas are also a cornerstone in some companies' software requirements and design processes, so these skills should also be useful to students heading for Software Engineering careers.
This course is transitioning into becoming a regular course starting next year. Starting next year it will be listed as CS468/568.
At its heart, this is an HCI methods course, focusing on inclusive design and all aspects of Persona creating, use, and dissemination. The goals are that by the end of this course, you will be able to:
Senior or grad standing in Computer Science. If you have previously taken HCI course(s), it/they will be very helpful. Starting next year, HCI 1 (either CS 352 or CS 565) will be a prerequisite for this course.
You'll actually do a persona-based inclusive design project, with a team. I'm anticipating little or no programming in this course. There will be some lectures by me, but probably fewer than half of the classes will be like this. Some of the class will be studio style, with teams critiquing each others' work, and based on team presentations in which the class jointly provides feedback on some aspect of a team's project. In short, it will be highly interactive. Due to the interactive style, class size is limited.
There will be a number of interim assignments, and a final presentation of your project. There will also be a midterm exam (sample). We will not have a final exam.
I have high expectations, and expect performance worthy of advanced students in computer science. Thus, in this class, "A" does not mean "adequate" or "nothing wrong" -- it means "excellent". For an A, you should expect to dig deep and get the most you can out of the class.
Grades so far this term, as of: Nov. 3, Nov. 9, Nov. 16.
We will also have selected readings from other sources, but you don't have to buy those.
In this class, all voices are welcome and will be heard. The more different kinds of thinking that are brought to a group, the better the outcomes (this has been shown again and again, both through scientific investigations and business practices). This class is one way to expand your ability to appreciate the value of multiple perspectives and kindly negotiate differences of opinions, as per the OSU Learning Goal for Graduates.
Accommodations for students with disabilities are determined and approved by Disability Access Services (DAS). If you, as a student, believe you are eligible for accommodations but have not obtained approval please contact DAS immediately at 541-737-4098 or at DAS notifies students and faculty members of approved academic accommodations and coordinates implementation of those accommodations. While not required, students and faculty members are encouraged to discuss details of the implementation of individual accommodations.
Margaret M. Burnett
Date of last update: Nov. 16, 2017